Why Do Cats Sleep In The Sun

Why do cats sleep in the sun

Cats are curious animals. Even if you have owned cats for many years, there is always something new to learn from your furry companion. Look closely and you will notice that when it’s time for your cat to take a cat nap that he will most likely seek out the sunniest spot … Read more

The Sleeping Habits Of Horses

What are the sleeping habits of horses

Do you have a horse that you hardly ever see sleeping? Do you wonder how much time your horse spends sleeping? Horses do not need as much time for sleeping as humans do. Horses have three unique sleeping habits that keep them energized and alert. The first way that horses get rest … Read more

How To Make Your Cat Sleep At Night

How to make your cat sleep at night

Why doesn’t your cat sleep at night? The answer to this is quite simple: cats are similar to other predators and sleep by day and hunt at night. They often sleep up to 16 hours a day, only to spend the remaining 8 hours hunting. This, however, can become very annoying, especially … Read more

Do Your Cats Sleep with You – The Advantages and Disadvantages

Should you let your cats sleep with you

Cats can be very loyal and loving towards their owners. They can provide much-needed companionship and affection. Some cat owners even choose to allow their cats to sleep with them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing this practice? One of the most obvious advantages of allowing cats to sleep with … Read more

Why Do Dogs Sleep on Beds

Why do dogs sleep on beds

You may ask yourself, “Why does my dog sleep on my bed?” You may be surprised to find there are three reasons for this actually. All of the reasons dogs sleep on beds have to do with natural instinct from when dogs were wild animals. If you, simply don’t mind this all … Read more

Where Should the Puppy Sleep?

Where should your puppy sleep

When a new puppy is brought in as a new member of the family, most of the members of the family wish to have it sleep on the bed. This can be very harmless when the puppy is small. However, old habits rarely die, and the dog will get used to sleeping … Read more

What to Do If Puppy Won’t Sleep

What to Do If Puppy Won’t Sleep

Puppies are newborn dog babies and are expected to wake up many times during the night, much like a human baby. However, there are times when the puppies fail to sleep even a bit. This calls for the puppy owner to train the puppy on how to sleep. How can one train … Read more

How to Deal with Your Dog’s Sleeping Problems

How to deal with your dog's sleeping problems

Is your dog experiencing problems sleeping at night? This is a rather common problem seen most frequently in older dogs. When the lights go out, your dog may wander around the house and become generally restless and uneasy. If your dog is accustomed to sleeping in the same room with you, this … Read more

How Much Sleep Does My Dog Need

How much sleep does my dog need

Why does Fido sleep so much? We can make educated guesses. Science has only scratched the surface of human sleep patterns, to say nothing of canine cycles. Parallels do exist between both species. Most importantly, a minimum number of hours spent sleeping is essential to both canine and human health. Key Differences … Read more

Do Puppies Dream When They Sleep?

Do puppies dream when they sleep

This is a very interesting question that may have crossed the minds of most dog owners out there. Do puppies dream when they sleep? As none of us are puppies, we can’t give you a definitive answer. What we can do though is find facts that may suggest they do or don’t … Read more