Bermuda Day, Bermuda

Bermuda Day

Bermuda is a territory consisting of 181 islands and is famously known for its pink clear sand beaches. That is why every year on the 24th of May, the people of Bermuda celebrate Bermuda Day which marks the start of summer. This is also the first day of the year where the … Read more

Blessed Rainy Day, Bhutan

Blessed Rainy Day

Locally known as Thrue-Bab, Blessed Rainy Day is an indigenous festival for the Bhutanese. It is only celebrated in Bhutan and nowhere else in the world. The festival is celebrated on September 23rd and it is said that on that specific day, the rain is sanctified by the Buddha Mahavairocana. And so, … Read more

Melon Day


Melon Day is an annual celebration in Turkmenistan where it is considered the homeland of the best melons in the world. It is a national holiday that is devoted to festivities of celebrating the country’s muskmelon that is praised for its aroma, taste and big size. It is celebrated annually every second … Read more

Obama Day, Kenya

President Barack Obama

Although Obama was born in Honolulu in Hawaii, Africa is his father’s home continent. Barack Obama Sr. was a Kenyan.  President Obama becoming the first African-American President was a major accomplishment. During the election, Barack Obama’s running to be America’s first black president had a special resonance in Africa. People in Africa … Read more

Magpie Festival, China

Magpie Festival

While most of us around the globe celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February, in China their Valentine’s is celebrated every February 4. Chinese Valentine’s day, also known as the Qixi Festival or Magpie festival, is a Chinese celebration about the reunion of two lovers in the Chinese mythology on the … Read more

Create a Vacuum Day

Vacuum technology

Used almost every day for cleaning the house and sucking up dirt, vacuums have become an indispensable household appliance. But in reality the concept of a vacuum has many uses well beyond cleaning floors.  This importance of vacuums in general has led to a celebration of National Create a Vacuum Day. Celebrated … Read more

Hadaka Matsuri

Hadaka Matsuri

Hadaka Matsuri also known as the Naked Man Festival is a Shinto tradition observed all around Japan. It is a celebration where thousands of men all over Japan strip down to loincloths called fundoshi or less. Some wear a short happi coat but can be seen rarely completely naked. Participants in the … Read more

National Weatherman’s Day, United States

Wonderful Balloon

Most if not all of us usually check the weather forecast before going out of the house. It is done to ensure that we are prepared before heading outside. Checking the weather helps us to know when to bring the umbrella, when to wear thicker clothes or when to plan that outdoor … Read more

Lame Duck Day


The Lame Duck Day is a celebration of the ratification of the 20th amendment of the United States on February 6, 1933. The amendment was added to address US Presidential succession. Originally, the terms of the president and vice president, and the in-coming elected congress began on four months after elections were … Read more

Night of the Radishes


The Night of the Radishes or as known by locals as Noche de Los Rabanos in Spanish is an annual event. It is a day dedicated to the carving of oversized radishes or Raphanus sativus to create scenes that compete for prizes in various categories. The Night of the Radishes is a … Read more