Symptoms and Treatments for a Bad Back

Back pain or a ‘bad back’ is becoming an increasing problem worldwide. More than 80 percent Americans go through this pain at least once in their lifetime. It is a condition you won’t wish on anybody because it becomes a hurdle in performing normal daily functions. There are plenty of reasons behind a bad back, and they can ruin your sleep cycle. If ignored, you can fall prey to insomnia and other severe sleeping disorders. Here are some common symptoms of back pain.

Symptoms of a bad back

 Back pain differs in severity from person to person. Some of the common symptoms of back pain include:

General Pain Symptoms

 These symptoms can arise temporarily or persist for a few weeks in your body.

  • Continuous aching or spikes anywhere on your back, from the neck to the end of the spine.
  • Sharp pain at one point like the neck & shoulders, tail bone or mid-back
  • Pain that starts from your lower back and radiates towards the hip and thighs
  • Pain during walking or standing for a long time, inability to climb the stairs

Sciatica Symptoms

Sciatica is a common pain that affects your Sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve goes from your lower back till the end of each leg. This pain usually happens in one side of your body.

  • You feel immense pain in the lower back
  • Pain in the back of one or both legs, especially when getting up or sitting down
  • Numbness when moving the foot
  • Spiking pain on one side of your back
  • Not being able to stand up for too long

Strained Back Symptoms

Lower back strain is very common, it can happen at any point in your life. This strain happens when the ligaments and muscles holding your spinal cord get stretched in a wrong way. It can happen due to:


  • A sports injury
  • Wrong posture
  • An accident
  • Lifting a heavy object
  • Exhaustion
  • Crouching

Back Pain at Night

Pain during nighttime can be the reason you don’t get proper sleep. It causes extreme exhaustion and irritability in people.

  • No matter what position you choose, you cannot soothe your spine during nocturnal pain
  • Diseases, kidney stones or pregnancy can cause nocturnal pain
  • Disc degeneration is also a leading cause of nighttime back pain


 You can treat a common bad back situation at home, by paying attention to its root cause. Here are some treatments you can do without supervision.


 Do you know that your back pain can get worse without movement? You must be paranoid about exercising during back pain, but there are so many tips on picking a back-friendly exercise. Yoga is tried and tested to heal back issues and reduce pain symptoms in one session. There are plenty of YouTube videos available online to learn and try at home. Scientists treated 228 people who had back pain with various things like yoga and exercise. Those who were stretching daily and took these sessions felt great. The group that received minimal exercise and more medication felt stronger symptoms of back pain.

Sleeping position

Bad sleeping posture can also result in a bad pack. That’s because specific positions place unwanted pressure on your back, hips, and neck. To relieve the pressure on your back, try putting the spine in natural curve when lying in bed. Make sure your hips, shoulders, and head are properly aligned and there’s enough support for your back. Just sleep on your back for a while to see if the pain subsides.  To get a better sleeping position it is also useful to use a zero gravity chair for sleep. In that case timber ridge anti gravity recliner could be an ideal choice

A good mattres

 Mattresses can be a leading cause of bad backs, and one we do not suspect for years! A bad mattress can do just as much harm as bad diet does to your body. Lack of support from your mattress can cause or worsen back pain, and sometimes turn it into a chronic condition. You can tell that your mattress is the cause if:

  • You feel pan first thing the morning: This usually happens when the mattress is too soft. Soft mattresses cause the spine to go out of alignment, while hard builds up pressure in the hips which can cause pain in your lower back.
  • Your mattress is 8-10 years old: Mattresses, like bones, deteriorate with age. Even if it’s a memory foam mattress, it will fail to cradle the hips and shoulders when it becomes old. On the other hand, innerspring mattresses will start sagging. It’s best to replace the mattress when it grows 8-10 years old.
  • You’re twisting all night: It’s difficult to sleep in peace when you feel uncomfortable all night. The spine needs to be in neutral position on the mattress. Otherwise, you can try all night and you’d fail to get those 8 hours of beauty sleep.

There is not a single mattress that suits all types of sleepers, so you need to find out your pick. Most companies offer 90 to 180-day trials, free returns and exchanges so it is easy to take your pick. Mattress companies are improving their products every year to add more comfortable layers for people with spinal issues.

Diet and Lifestyle

 You may not realize that some diets complement back pain. Food rich in trans fats and inflammatory ingredients worsen back pain. Consult with a nutritionist to find our if food can bring a change in your back pain. Weight loss and a healthy lifestyle can improve a bad back without requiring invasive measures. You can also try supplementation, such as doing a Serrapeptase course to see if it reduces your backache.

Alternative Treatment Options

 If home remedies do not show effect, people look for other treatments. Acupuncture, herbal massages and other non-surgical procedures also soothe back pain by removing toxins from your body. Activating healthy nerve circle and using ancient procedures like acupuncture works for a lot of people with back issues.

When should I see a doctor?

 Most forms of back pain get better on their own, with proper care and sleep. It takes from a few days up to 3 weeks to heal from common pains. However, if the pain does not decrease in consistency or severity, you must see a doctor. In very rare cases, the back pain might be the symptom of an underlying medical condition.

If your back pain is accompanied with the following conditions, you must seek treatment immediately:

  • Irritable bowel movements
  • Fever or chills
  • Neck pain
  • Bladder problems
  • Unexplainable weight loss and exhaustion
  • Numbness in legs
  • Stiffness in arms


For less back pain and sweeter dreams, consider following the recommendations made in this article. After all, your back is an integral part of your physical wellbeing. With the right approach to back pain treatment and health, you’d make a significant difference in your lifestyle. So, take your first step to relieving that back pain today.