Why Do Children Have Trouble Sleeping?

Approximately more than a quarter of the global adult population experience sleeping problems. So, it’s quite unsurprising to discover that an alarming number of toddlers have difficulty sleeping. Adults, and toddlers alike, have incorporated irregular and quite arduous sleep routines that literally rob them of graceful and fulfilling slumber. Come to think about it, toddlers are often healthy and they don’t ingest alcohol or any adverse drugs or medication. So, why do toddlers have trouble sleeping in the first place?

  • Frequent awakening at night- Babies, and older children alike, may arise frequently during the night. Often at times, hunger and frequent urination prompt children to awaken several times in a night. Toddlers ingest fluids right before bedtime, prompting them to wake up for frequent trips to the bathroom.
  • Too much exhilaration and activity just before bedtime – Children love to play, explore, and have fun! However, too much of this prior to bedtime can be detrimental and lead to fragmented and quite unfulfilling sleep.
  • Frequent daytime naps – As much as toddlers need occasional daytime naps here and there, too many daytime naps rob them of a peaceful night slumber.
  • Too much TV and video games – Nearly all homes have multiple types of technology available at all hours of the day and night. Toddlers may have become too much engaged in late-night TV programs and video games, which often heightens their emotions and metabolism. Being engaged with technology before bed means getting to sleep becomes a dream rather than an instinctive reality.
  • Irregular sleep schedules – Nowadays, parents have thrown all sleeping values through the window, and intriguingly, some rely on their children’s judgment on when and when not to sleep. What happened to all toddlers should be asleep by 7 to 8 pm? What happened to the most treasured traditional sleeping virtues? If parents allow their toddlers to stay up too late, they could not only adversely affect their child’s ability to sleep well, but their own, as well.
  • Anxiety – Believe it or not, toddlers are very afraid of separation. This often stirs up anxiety, and they find it difficult to fall into dreamland. At times they do, but after a little coaxing and assurance that all is fine.
  • Nightmares – Nightmares, as unbelievable as it may sound, are prevalent during childhood. Nightmares often affect a toddler’s peaceful slumber, but a little cajoling and assurance will always prompt him to sleep.
  • Sleepwalking – Surprisingly, many toddlers walk and talk unconsciously at night. Undeniably, this affects how well and how much they sleep. Some toddlers are so afraid to sleep just because of the fear of sleepwalking.

Fortunately, many toddlers overgrow these sleep problems with time. However, for some sleeping problems, a parent has to step in and set certain children sleeping rules and routines that will help the toddler sleep better and longer. It’s vital for parents to train their toddlers about the old yet golden sleep values, where beds were only linked to sleeping, where all toddlers had to sleep by 8 pm, where parents incorporated stringent sleeping schedules. Parents ought to take charge of their children’s sleeping problems, employing a stringent sleeping routine that must be followed, and sure enough, they’ll be utterly pleased with how well and peaceful their toddlers will sleep.


Sleep Problems in Children

Behavioral sleep problems in children