How to Improve Your Sleep in a Noisy City Apartment

Woman and man sleeping together in a bed

Living in a bustling city comes with its fair share of challenges, one of the most common being the relentless noise that can disrupt a tranquil night’s rest. The importance of a good night’s sleep cannot be overstated; it’s the cornerstone of our overall health and well-being. Just as sleep nutrition is … Read more

How did early Egyptians sleep?

Sleep is a vital part of optimal human health. It allows the mind and body to recharge, providing you with renewed energy and alertness when you wake up. Proper sleep also helps the body to recuperate from all the physical exertion, keeping it healthy and enabling it to fight off diseases. Yet, … Read more

How did medieval peasants sleep?

Today, it’s normal for us to sleep for seven to nine hours (or if you’re privileged to get that) from evening to morning on a warm bed with comfortable mattress, sheets, pillows, and blankets, inside a secure home that’s free from pests, birds, and other external elements. That isn’t the case for … Read more

Fun Things to Do When You Can’t Sleep

There are times when it is difficult to fall asleep. This usually happens when you slept in on the weekend, had a late afternoon nap, drank coffee in the afternoon, or if you’ve been stressed and thinking about a lot of things lately. In fact, everyone has problems falling asleep every once … Read more

Reasons to Get a Gel Memory Foam Mattress

Sleeping problems can plague the best of us, leading to a host of health risks and lowering our productivity throughout the day. While serious sleeping issues might require professional help sometimes, it’s just a matter of getting a decent mattress. You could be eating the right things, fall in the right weight … Read more

Helping Toddlers Fall Asleep

Kids need their sleep in order to grow and stay healthy. Unfortunately, much like adults, they sometimes have a difficult time falling asleep and sleeping through the night. It is frustrating as a parent when you have a child who’s obviously tired and just can’t seem to fall asleep. You feel helpless… … Read more

Teenagers Can Learn Good Sleeping Habits

Perhaps this is a common occurrence for you if you have a teenager. As the alarm rings for the third time, you walk into your teenager’s room and find him dead to the world. Waking a 14-year-old boy at 6:45 am is no small task. You may set the alarm but debate … Read more

Sleeping Habits and Why They Are So Important

You have inadvertently stumbled upon this site in the hope of improving yours or loved ones sleeping habits and how to sleep properly, which could possibly be the best decision you could make. This website is dedicated to showing you how to sleep better and how to practice good sleep hygiene. Healthy … Read more

How Less Sleep Affects Your Concentration

According to many studies, less than one-third of adults get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. Sleep is one of the basic essentials of the human body. When we don’t get enough sleep our concentration fails us and our motor skills begin to wane. Not surprisingly, college students … Read more

When Eczema Means No Sleep – Soothe So You Can Snooze

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder. It is also a common problem affecting at least 1 in 5 children, but that doesn’t make dealing with it any easier. The dry, very itchy patches are uncomfortable, can cause infections, and can disrupt the sleep of everyone in your home. After living through this … Read more