What Happens When You Don’t Sleep?

an old man depressed and sleep-deprived

In today’s busy and fast-moving world, a day with 24 hours isn’t enough for people to properly cater to their body’s needs. An average adult, who’s working hard to keep their family well-fed, or a student, who’s studying round the clock to maintain their grades, may care about their diet or exercise … Read more

Sleeping Pills – Do They Work?

Do sleeping pills really work

There are times in everybody’s lives where sleeping seems absolutely impossible and a little bit of artificial help would help you get back in the natural sleeping cycle. You could experience insomnia due to physical or mental stress. You could also experience insomnia by consuming nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine in excess. Simply … Read more

How Less Sleep Affects Your Concentration

How less sleep affects your concentration

According to many studies, less than one-third of adults get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. Sleep is one of the basic essentials of the human body. When we don’t get enough sleep our concentration fails us and our motor skills begin to wane. Not surprisingly, college students … Read more

Symptoms And Effects Of Sleep Deprivation

What are the symptoms and effects of sleep deprivation

Many teenagers, when they go away to college for the first time, will find college to be a true learning experience. Not only are they starting their further education, but they are also learning to live on their own. They no longer have to follow anyone’s rules and many don’t know which … Read more

Sleep Deprivation Symptoms

What are the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is when one goes without enough sleep for a few days or an extended period of time. The body usually uses the moment when one is asleep to refresh and repair itself. Thus, therefore, means that when one is sleep deprived, their body will not have enough time to repair … Read more

Sleep Deprivation Delays Wound Healing

Did you know that sleep deprivation can delay wound healing

Without proper sleep, the body can not recover and rejuvenate for the next day. Sleep deprivation is a stress-induced complication but can also lead to additional stress upon the body. For individuals who suffer from injury, sleep deprivation can have an adverse effect on the healing and recovery process. Wound healing is … Read more

Sleep Deprivation Damages Your Mental Health

Did you know that sleep deprivation can damage your mental health

While it is true that not everyone needs the same amount of sleep, everyone needs whatever for them is ‘enough.’ ‘Enough’ means that the sleep is adequate to rest the body and allow the mind a needed recess from the necessary activities of consciousness that preoccupy most of our waking hours. Not … Read more

How Exercise Can Affect Sleep Deprivation

How exercise can affect sleep deprivation

Exercising has proven to be a great way to help with sleep deprivation. The physical type of exercise isn’t the only way to go, either. There are 3 types of exercises that can help you get a better night’s sleep starting tonight, and we’ll take a look at each one below… Several … Read more

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

  Sleep is not wasted time. It is necessary downtime for your consciousness and for your physical body and its multiple systems. While no two people need precisely the same amount of sleep to be and stay well, we all need our own degrees of ‘enough.’ Failing to get enough sleep, over … Read more