What Can I Do to Stop Husband Snoring?

What can I do to stop my husband from snoring

Many people have complained of having snoring partners who cause them sleepless nights. They resort to looking for available solutions to their partner’s snoring problem. The problem can result from smoking, drinking alcohol, poor sleeping positions, and being overweight in men among others. There are several products that can help reduce or … Read more

Using Melatonin As A Sleep Aid

Is melatonin a good sleep aid

Many people suffer from sleepless nights for one reason or another. Doctors refer to this condition as insomnia, which is characterized by poor sleep patterns. There are many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications to relieve insomnia, some that have unwanted side effects. Lately, you may have read about the use of a … Read more

Lunesta Sleep Aid Versus Sominex

What is the difference between Lunesta and Sominex sleeping aids

For many people, getting and stay asleep can be difficult. Some people suffer from insomnia for a short period of time, but for others, insomnia has been a problem for years. After trying various non-drug therapies such as biofeedback and relaxation techniques, you may decide to visit your family doctor to find … Read more

Natural Ways to Treat Sleeplessness

woman sleeping in a comfortable bedroom

It is actually common for people to have occasional sleepless nights. However, if you’re suffering from the inability to sleep or excessive wakening in the night that impairs your daily functioning, then you might be suffering from insomnia. Since people with insomnia may have difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep as … Read more

What is Sleep Apnea?

What is Sleep Apnea?

In the Greek language, Apnea means “want of breath.”  The term APNEA means a suspension in one’s breathing process. When this occurs, there will be a cessation of muscle movement specifically responsible for inhalation. In layman’s term, this is commonly known as holding one’s breath.  Sleep Apnea is a medical condition that … Read more

Overview of the Different Types of Snoring Sleep Aids

Different Types of Snoring Sleep Aids

Snoring is the curse of many men and women that keeps them getting a good night sleep and perhaps as importantly their partner as well.  The good news is there are many types of snoring sleep aids available on the market today to help reduce or eliminate snoring.  It may take some … Read more