Using Melatonin As A Sleep Aid

Is melatonin a good sleep aid

Many people suffer from sleepless nights for one reason or another. Doctors refer to this condition as insomnia, which is characterized by poor sleep patterns. There are many over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications to relieve insomnia, some that have unwanted side effects. Lately, you may have read about the use of a … Read more

Getting a Higher Quality of Sleep with Melatonin

How can Melatonin give you a higher quality of sleep

Getting a higher quality of sleep can help reduce stress and tension, improve brain function, and help with blood glucose control. Some people have trouble falling asleep; others have issues with waking up after a few hours. Melatonin is an over the counter supplement that can help with occasional bouts of insomnia … Read more

New Hope For Sleep Disorders In Autistic Children

New hope for sleep disorders in children with Autism

Autistic children frequently suffer from sleep problems ranging from the inability to fall asleep to frequent nighttime awakenings. This problem is so common that it’s believed to affect up to three-quarters of autistic children to some degree. This can be a problem for both parents and children. Sleep disorders in autistic children … Read more