Why Do Cats Sleep In The Sun

Why do cats sleep in the sun

Cats are curious animals. Even if you have owned cats for many years, there is always something new to learn from your furry companion. Look closely and you will notice that when it’s time for your cat to take a cat nap that he will most likely seek out the sunniest spot … Read more

How To Make Your Cat Sleep At Night

Why doesn’t your cat sleep at night? The answer to this is quite simple: cats are similar to other predators and sleep by day and hunt at night. They often sleep up to 16 hours a day, only to spend the remaining 8 hours hunting. This, however, can become very annoying, especially … Read more

Do Your Cats Sleep with You – The Advantages and Disadvantages

Cats can be very loyal and loving towards their owners. They can provide much-needed companionship and affection. Some cat owners even choose to allow their cats to sleep with them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing this practice? One of the most obvious advantages of allowing cats to sleep with … Read more