Pregnancy and Sleeping Through the Night

During pregnancy, it is very common for the woman not to be able to sleep throughout the night. This is because the pregnant woman is often plagued with physical discomfort, anxiety, stress, and changes in hormones. During the pregnancy period, the pregnant woman might wake up several times during the night due to a weaker bladder. Luckily, there are tips that can be adopted to help women have a good night’s sleep during pregnancy.

  1. Stay Hydrated – It is imperative for a pregnant woman to take in a lot of fluids during the day so she will remain hydrated. The amount of drinks consumed should be minimized hours before sleeping.
  2. Regular Exercise – A pregnant woman should have regular exercise. The exercise helps them in improving the circulation of the blood in the body giving optimum body health. Exercising minutes before bedtime should be discouraged as it releases adrenaline that reduces sleep to keep the woman awake at night.
  3. Reduce Stress – Anxiety and stress increase the chances of one failing to get sleep during the night. Simple worries should be avoided as they are not helpful at all. A pregnant woman should look for someone to share their worries. This can be a professional or a friend who has experience in life-related issues.
  4. Create Routines – A pregnant woman should create a comforting night routine that can easily make them sleep. One can try taking warm milk or tea before sleeping. Reading a chapter in the favorite book can help one to sleep. Taking a warm bath with scented soaps can relax one to sleep. A woman can also request a shoulder massage or to have her hair brushed.
  5. Proper Sleeping Positioning – When a pregnant woman reaches the third trimester of pregnancy, she should start sleeping on her left-hand side. This allows the flow of the blood to the kidneys, uterus, and the fetus. A pregnant woman should avoid lying on the back for extended periods of time as it can result in getting a backache.
  6. Prevent Heartburn – In order to avoid any incidence of heartburn, a pregnant woman should avoid reclining immediately after meals. The woman should learn to sleep using a pillow to prevent heartburn. Fried, spicy, and acidic foods should also be avoided to prevent heartburn.
  7. Daytime Naps – In the event where a pregnant woman fails to get proper sleep during the night, she should start taking naps during the day. The nap should be taken at any place in the house where one finds comfort.
  8. Pregnancy Pillow Support – Using the pregnancy pillow helps to increase the comfort that one has when sleeping. The pillow should be placed under the belly on one end and the other under the knee.
  9. Take Proper Diet – A pregnant woman with sleeping problems should avoid caffeine in their diets. Those who feel nauseated at night should take snacks like bread and crackers. The woman should avoid sleeping on an empty stomach to avoid the feeling of being nauseated. A proper diet is highly encouraged for both the mother and the baby.
  10. Seek Medical Advice – In case the insomnia persists, one should seek medical help. The doctor is able to recommend a safe-to-use sleeping pill in the right dosage to help the mon-to-be the ability to sleep.

Additional Information:

Insomnia During Pregnancy

What Helps with Insomnia During Early Pregnancy?

Insomnia During Pregnancy: Snooze Or Lose!