Habits That Drain Your Energy


A person’s personality and professional identity are built on their habits. Our daily routines shape who we are, and we decide every day whether we want to develop, keep up our standards of excellence or fuel our unhappiness. But before we can take the required action to modify our habits, we must first be conscious of our poor behaviours. One must understand that a sense of exhaustion may result from certain practices. If you feel you are frequently exhausted, it may be time to consider your habits to determine which ones are sapping your energy. The sensation is the same regardless of what we call exhaustion, fatigue, or simply tiredness.

What is a Habit?


We may have formed certain routines through time. For example, we may brush brushing our teeth twice a day, do grocery shopping once a week, and go out with friends every Friday night. Depending on the types of habits we have, they can either improve or worsen our lives. Habits are the routines and actions we regularly perform, consciously or unconsciously. When you want to accomplish something but lack drive, habits will keep you going. If something becomes a regular habit, it is simpler to do. If you already have a habit, your mind will consider that particular action the “default thing to do” at a specific time of day so that you won’t need further motivation.

Understanding the definition of a habit might help us understand the goals that habit formation is meant to achieve. It also gives us an excellent reason to choose our daily routines carefully to achieve our goals. Habits are the day-to-day choices and activities you make on a tiny scale. Your current state of existence is primarily a result of your habits. Your character, beliefs, and outward appearance are eventually shaped by what you repeatedly do, such as how you spend your time thinking each day. Habits are the foundation for everything, from procrastination and productivity to strength and nutrition. You can change your life when you learn to change your habits.

Habits that Drain Your Energy


Daily routines affect your energy the most, leaving you exhausted and less productive. More than anything else, our habits are primarily responsible for draining our energy, lowering our productivity, and making us unhappy. You will always be unhappy if you have habits that use up all your energy. You will feel dissatisfied and sad because of your excessive level of stress. And stress levels will only rise if you worry about it. Unfortunately, these behaviours are often the main things keeping many people from moving up. Your behaviours are the culprit why you consistently lack energy because they leave you feeling worn out, sluggish, and even depressed.

1. Watching Heavily Emotional Shows

Watching movies and series can be a relaxing hobby if you choose the appropriate shows. However, even an excellent emotional show can be mentally taxing. Overstimulation can arise from strong emotions, and it will ultimately need mental effort to control them. Try to be selective with the shows you choose. Avoid movie themes that make you feel like they’re giving you a burdening feeling. Limit the amount of time you spend watching upsetting television shows.

2. Worrying About Things You Can’t Control

Knowing that we are moving forward in life makes us optimistic. Your brain experiences a dopamine rush, which is how we become motivated daily. However, the opposite occurs when you continue worrying about things out of your control. You start to experience discomfort, which your brain will interpret as stress. According to professional psychologists, when we are upset about something, our bodies are compelled to either confront the issue or flee from it. As a result, when you repeat returning to issues you don’t want to deal with, you stress yourself out and use energy.

3. Focusing on the past

Putting the past behind you and focusing on the here and now is preferable. Keep no grudges and avoid becoming furious all the time. Your health could suffer because of thinking of the things that happened in the past, which cannot be undone. It could deplete your energy. Therefore, try to let go of your emotional baggage from the past; you can’t change the past, so focus on the future instead.

4. Putting Forth Great Effort to Please Others

It may be stressful when you continuously try to impress others, whether they’re your boss, spouse, teacher, or parents. You will always make yourself sad when you try to win others over and make them happy. Because their needs will take over your own, you will act to satisfy their wants and expectations. While being helpful and kind can support you in upholding healthy connections with others, be careful not to do so to gain favour. This risky road will always sap your strength, cause you to disregard your needs, and leave you dissatisfied and under constant stress.

5. Taking Things Too Personally  

It is tiresome and often inappropriate to assume that every encounter a person has with you reflects how they feel about you. Most likely, it’s not about you, and by making it personal, you’re only making matters worse. You’ll experience less stress, and your company will experience less needless strain if you don’t take things too personally.

6. Lack of sleep and Oversleeping

Although it might seem obvious, many people need more sleep. Adults require 7-8 hours of sleep each night, yet many people only get a fraction of that. This may result in daytime fatigue and a weakened immune system. Numerous health issues, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, have been linked in studies to sleep deprivation. Meanwhile, oversleeping won’t make you more energetic, help you store more energy, or help you be more attentive when you’re awake. Too much sleep has the opposite effect and makes you tired. Sleep is a significant factor in your health and energy, so you get seven to eight hours per night.

7. Having an unorganized space

A cluttered working area might also drain your energy. Messy and untidy spaces can also drain you, whether in your living room, bedroom, or office. Your area might become distracting with all the extra things in it. Try to purge your space of everything extraneous. You can also take five minutes daily to clean your desk before going to work to prevent leaving the past night’s dishes in the sink for the following day.

8. Surrounding yourself with Negative People

Numerous studies have shown the benefits of healthy relationships for our bodies. We know that the right individuals contribute to a happy long life. The opinions of those near us matter significantly to us as humans. However, the surest way to emotionally exhaust oneself is to surround yourself with negative individuals. Studies have also shown that those who spend time with negative people eventually change their circumstances. The telltale indications of toxic relationships are easily recognizable if you pay attention. You occasionally feel emotionally and physically spent when you spend time with others.

9. Excessive Smartphone Use

Frequently checking social media just before going to sleep or after waking up also depletes your energy. Due to the blue light they emit, screens—from TVs to smartphones—suppress the generation of sleep hormones. As a result, this may result in a lack of sleep or disrupted sleep, which may cause you to feel weary and sluggish.

10. Poor Eating Habits and a Lack of Exercise

Your energy levels can be significantly impacted by what you consume. An immediate energy boost from foods high in sugar is possible. Still, it is short-lived and can leave you feeling drained and lethargic later. At the same time, wholesome foods like fruits, veggies, and whole grains give you long-lasting energy all day. Exercise is crucial for good health in general, but it can also be a fantastic method to increase energy. Moderate exercise can help you sleep better, be more aware during the day, and have more energy. If you exercise less frequently, incorporate a few leisurely activities into your daily schedule.

How to Change Unhealthy Habits

Most harmful behaviours—including excessive work, loss, worry, and avoiding difficult situations—are stress-related. Stressors of this nature can render us helpless. Change is more complex than ever, and we deal with stress by engaging in harmful activities that yet serve a function for us. The secret to breaking bad habits is to quit rationalizing our bad decisions and rewrite the script so that we automatically default to where we want to be. The idea is simple. Be kind to yourself and recognize that your unhealthy behaviour is likely a sign that something is out of balance. Make some adjustments because you believe in yourself. Don’t wait until you’ve reached “rock bottom” before making the necessary changes. 

1. Recognize Your Poor Habits 

Identifying undesirable behaviours is the first step in getting rid of them. This involves much more self-awareness than one may imagine and is much more difficult. You can feel overwhelmed once you list some habits you want to stop. However, only some modifications must be made simultaneously to see results. Finding one or two habits preventing you from moving forward is tricky, so start with one or two. You’ll begin to recognize patterns and areas where you can change after a few days to a week. 

2. Change bad habits for better ones.

It’s critical to change unpleasant habits for constructive ones. If not, you’ll revert to your old habits. People who stop smoking, for instance, occasionally switch to munching. Having fruit and other wholesome options can help prevent it from developing into a problem. It may not help if you shut off the computer before you want to relax and go to bed but switch it out for your phone or the TV. Instead of staring at a screen, consider meditating, journaling, or reading a book since the screen light can keep you awake.

3. Get rid of the triggers

If eating junk food sets off an old habit, toss it out when you have the energy. Avoid social triggers, such as restaurants, bars, and nights out with friends, if you crave a smoke when you drink in public. This doesn’t have to last forever, just long enough for you to feel comfortable with your new routine. Sometimes our triggers can occasionally be specific persons. Remember that you resemble the five persons you spend the most time with. Look at those people to see if they lift or bring you down.

4. A shift in perspective 

Everything depends on your mindset. Avoid adopting an all-or-nothing mentality when making a change. This is the simplest way to set yourself up for disappointment and failure. Instead, enter the process knowing it will never end and that you’ll never achieve your goals or be truly happy if you can’t learn to love it. Setting identity objectives rather than outcome goals is one of the finest methods. Setting objectives based on a target weight or other external reward is simple. 

Consider establishing an identity goal by deciding who you need to become to achieve your desired result. Then, because you are adopting the mindset of the person you want to become, it becomes much simpler to make day-to-day decisions. Furthermore, telling yourself that you are “said identity,” even when working toward it, can help you believe it and progress.

5. Give yourself a break

Failures are common. When you do, try not to be too hard on yourself. Consider the time you originally began, look at your daily log, and tell yourself how far you’ve come. Not everything is lost because of one mistake. Afterwards, continue where you left off. It takes time to change a habit. Whenever you fail, be kind to yourself and remember that you are only human.


Our sense of well-being can suffer because of low energy levels, making us feel incredibly miserable. Low energy makes it difficult for us to get things done, which might encourage negative feelings that make us feel worse. Finding the people or things that are sapping your energy in the first place is the first step in recovering it. Once you’ve done that, you need to realize that developing fresh habits takes time. As you attempt to adjust, you’ll need to cultivate self-compassion and be patient with yourself. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge each little success along the way. You’ll soon feel more energized and equipped to handle everything that comes your way.

We engage in activities that sap our energy daily, deliberately or unintentionally. If you don’t address these mindless behaviours right once, they could harm your general health and cause you to feel exhausted for a long time. Focus on the behaviours that keep you engaged and energetic rather than the ones that deplete your vitality. When we cross the line, we frequently feel it. Through stress, exhaustion, unexplainable frustrations, etc., we get the symptoms. But we let this powerful, harmful force drain us, much like a machine on autopilot. Learn to stand back if you feel emotionally or mentally spent and look for potential causes.