What Does AM and PM Stand for?

Some countries use the 12-hour time format including the United States. This clock format also includes the abbreviations, AM and PM. Before the modern era, the only way to tell the time is by the sun’s position. Now, we are using digital clocks to track our daily activities, as well as to … Read more

The History of Time Zones

Looking back to the time when clocks were non-existent, people used different devices such as sundials and water clocks to tell what time it is. In the 17th century, the pendulum was invented but it wasn’t that accurate especially when being used at sea. That is the reason why the Chronometer was … Read more

Interesting Facts About Time

Time is one of the things we rely on in keeping track of our daily activities. But did you know that there are a lot more about it than we all had known? Here are some interesting facts about the time that you probably haven’t heard about: While in a standing position, … Read more

Evolution of the Digital Clock

When you think of the word “digital” we typically think of computers and data and graphics that are all driven off of data stored in 1 and 0 digits.  A digital clock is a type of clock that displays the time in numerals (digits) versus based on the positions of rotating mechanical hands.  The digital … Read more

How Did People Wake Up Before Modern Alarm Clocks?

The need to know exactly what time it is or to be sure you arrive on time is an ancient one.  In our modern society, it’s hard to imagine not knowing the current time and when the next appointment is and if you’re going to be on time or not.  Knowing the … Read more

Online Alarm Clocks and Timers Can be Very Useful Tools

It wasn’t so long ago in human history where having  clock at the center of the town was the best way to know the current time. The chimes would alert the current time.  And before that the venerable sun dial was the best way to see the passing of time beyond watching … Read more

How Does Olympic Timing Work?

When you think of the Olympic race where the sprinters are all right at the finish line and one barely crosses ahead of the others. You then learn that a new world record has been set by 2 100th of a second – wow! Your next thought may well be how do … Read more