Teenagers Can Learn Good Sleeping Habits

Did you know that teenagers can also learn good sleeping habits

Perhaps this is a common occurrence for you if you have a teenager. As the alarm rings for the third time, you walk into your teenager’s room and find him dead to the world. Waking a 14-year-old boy at 6:45 am is no small task. You may set the alarm but debate … Read more

Sleeping Habits and Why They Are So Important

Why are sleeping habits so important

You have inadvertently stumbled upon this site in the hope of improving yours or loved ones sleeping habits and how to sleep properly, which could possibly be the best decision you could make. This website is dedicated to showing you how to sleep better and how to practice good sleep hygiene. Healthy … Read more

Sleeping Pills – Do They Work?

Do sleeping pills really work

There are times in everybody’s lives where sleeping seems absolutely impossible and a little bit of artificial help would help you get back in the natural sleeping cycle. You could experience insomnia due to physical or mental stress. You could also experience insomnia by consuming nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine in excess. Simply … Read more

How To Get More Energy From Less Than 6 Hours Of Sleep

How to get more energy from less than 6 hours of sleep

If you love sleeping, you may also love being awake a little bit more. The old cliche, “there’s not enough hours in the day,” is true if you sleep from ten at night to eight in the morning and still don’t feel rested. Many people want to actually decrease the number of … Read more

How Less Sleep Affects Your Concentration

How less sleep affects your concentration

According to many studies, less than one-third of adults get the recommended 7 to 8 hours of sleep per day. Sleep is one of the basic essentials of the human body. When we don’t get enough sleep our concentration fails us and our motor skills begin to wane. Not surprisingly, college students … Read more

When Eczema Means No Sleep – Soothe So You Can Snooze

How can you soothe eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder. It is also a common problem affecting at least 1 in 5 children, but that doesn’t make dealing with it any easier. The dry, very itchy patches are uncomfortable, can cause infections, and can disrupt the sleep of everyone in your home. After living through this … Read more

What Is That Falling Sensation During Sleep

What is that falling sensation during sleep

Many people love the sensation of falling during sleep. Generally, this transpires when you’re in the middle of a dream and you suddenly find myself falling down a hill with no hope of steadying myself. However, there is a certain jerk that happens just as we are falling asleep. This feeling usually … Read more

What is Sleepwalking and How Do You Stop It?

What is sleepwalking and how do you stop it

Sleepwalking is one of the most bizarre sleeping disorders that are characterized by frequent walking, talking, sitting, and even urinating episodes. Sleepwalking is a phenomenon where the victims are not in utter control of their actions or completely aware of their surroundings. Although sleepwalking may be a rather intriguing and laughable ailment, … Read more

What Is Insomnia And How Can I Treat It?

What is insomnia and how can I treat it

Many individuals confuse insomnia with sleeping sickness. Insomnia is not a disease but just symptoms of lack of sleep. Sleeping for shorter periods of time, failing to sleep immediately after getting a sleep interruption, failure to sleep immediately after going to bed are all symptoms of insomnia. There are usually three categories … Read more

What Can I Do to Stop Husband Snoring?

What can I do to stop my husband from snoring

Many people have complained of having snoring partners who cause them sleepless nights. They resort to looking for available solutions to their partner’s snoring problem. The problem can result from smoking, drinking alcohol, poor sleeping positions, and being overweight in men among others. There are several products that can help reduce or … Read more