5 Tips for Ensuring a Good Night’s Rest While Traveling

Overview Traveling is such a rewarding and exciting experience. With so many possible destinations to visit travelers sometimes take as long as a year off from work and school just to travel around the world. Europe is one of the most visited continents due to its beautiful cities, lush vegetation, cool weather … Read more

9 Perfect Wellness Spots To Visit On Your Next U.S. Trip

Wellness retreats became a more progressively popular travel trend, and it’s quite straightforward to see why. With the coming holidays permits you to head to exciting destinations, and new adventures. From fitness camps, meditation and yoga retreats, digital detoxes, we are at this present day and age where healthy travel is being … Read more

Reasons Daylight Savings Time Bothers Our Sleep

All of us need plenty of sleep in order to function at our peak performance level. To lose hours of sleep does not translate to mere tiredness; it can cause health problems that are more serious than you may think.  When we don’t get enough sleep, we might face the following issues: … Read more

Ways to See Australia And New Zealand on a Cruise

Australia is a very rich country in terms of biodiversity, and different landscapes. You can find mountain ranges, salt lakes, rainforests, plains, deserts, and all kinds of other landscapes and habitats throughout the continent. However, what Australia is really known for is its beautiful coastline that takes up over 18,000 miles and … Read more

MINERAL’s CBD SLEEP Formula Helps Customers Wake Up Feeling Refreshed

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a non-psychoactive compound of cannabis. While the cannabis plant has more than 400 chemical compounds, the best known is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), which will get you high. However, CBD will not get you high, and furthermore, it has many health benefits. Our bodies positively respond to … Read more

How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Health?

an illustration showing the obstruction of ventilation of a person with sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which your breathing pauses repeatedly while you sleep. When sleep apnea occurs, your body wakes you up to resume breathing. It can lead to multiple sleep interruptions that will prevent you from sleeping well, making you feel tired throughout the day. But aside from making you … Read more

How Does What You Eat and Drink Can Affect Your Sleep?

It’s true that eating a healthy, balanced diet can provide lots of benefits in our everyday lives. It can give us the energy to get through the day, help us maintain an ideal weight, and it can also keep our bodies healthy and functioning well. But aside from that, did you know … Read more

How Many Hours of Sleep Do You Really Need?

a woman sleeping comfortable on a bed

Sleep is very important for our health. However, when we get busy with work and other things in our lives, we tend to neglect or sacrifice our sleep which is not good. It’s because sleep is more than just a time for your body and mind to rest because while you’re asleep, … Read more